
Catherine facilitates workshops to help individuals and groups work towards their full potential. All workshops include presentation of concepts, personal reflection, group sharing, role-playing, and suggestions for further development. These workshops are in English and are best when limited to fifteen participants.

Communicating Across Cultures

Part of the challenge while living working in a foreign country is multicultural communication. Your team discusses, plans, and chats over coffee together, but are you really communicating? There are times when you are all speaking the same language, but you feel as if your ideas or needs are not being understood or met.

This workshop explores how different cultures communicate and how you can best express yourself in relationship to others. Participants learn the art of creatively building relationship in the here-and-now through the practice of a Right Relations model. This model helps participants to cut through habitual patterns of defense, prejudices, expectations, and mindsets to open up to new levels of communication. In this way, you are able to more freely express yourself in an authentic way and ultimately accept the others’ differences and complexities. Everyone becomes a winner!

Enjoying Your Creative Imagination

Creative Thinking

Creativity is a complex process. While at times sparked by inspiration, new ideas often emerge when your thoughts about a particular issue move easily between concrete frameworks and your imagination. After investigating a problem from all sides, the next stage is typically one of incubation and receptivity. Ultimately, a choice becomes clear and then your new idea has to crystallize and be expressed through your words or actions.

This workshop explores how you can apply creative thinking towards your research, career, and working relationships. By exercising both the concrete and abstract levels of the mind, you will learn how to bridge the two and in a way that enables you to move more freely between them as the need arises in the creative process.

Activating Your Will Power

We often have trouble deciding what to do in our lives. Many times we become stuck and can’t seem to decide, even when one choice is clearly for our benefit. Other times we feel as if we have no choice at all and are a victim of circumstance.

Every choice or decision we make is “an act of will.” Even making no decision is a decision. Our will power is energy, the energy that drives our life forward. The more we learn to work with our will, the easier and freer we will move in the direction we long for. In this workshop participants discover and learn how to work with the huge potential of their will.

Crossing Thresholds:
Traveling the Portals of Change with Dante

Creative Thinking

Roberto Assagioli invites us to read Dante’s Divine Comedy, “a wonderful picture of a complete psychosynthesis”, while reflecting on its meaning and symbolism and seeking to identify ourselves with Dante. In this seminar, we explore Dante’s poetic work focusing on the symbol of the threshold. Crossing the threshold is a necessary initial step to engage with crisis and transformation in our personal and spiritual lives. Each day we will read selected passages of the Divine Comedy and explore these symbolic thresholds in meditation, creative expression, and group sharing. Together we will pass through the Gate of Hell, climb the steep slopes of Purgatory and speed through the spheres of the heavens, to finally reach Paradise and it all-encompassing synthesis.

Body, Feelings, Mind

To develop our identity and personality effectively, we need to connect to our body (sensations), feelings (emotions), and mind (thoughts). When our body, feelings, and mind work as distinct vehicles, in balance and in unison, we are able to self-reflect, express our real self, and become more effective in the world.

Culturally, our minds usually dominate, and yet more than 70% of our communication is determined by nonverbal content. When we can operate with full awareness and utilization of our mind, feelings, and somatic responses, we gain greater freedom of our will and the daily choices we make.

This workshop helps participants identify their relationship to their body, feelings, and mind and to understand with which one they are more strongly identified. With this insight, participants can then work to bring all three into balance and use them more effectively.


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