A Free and Wild Creature

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The ebook is also available through Lulu.com, by clicking here.

Book Cover I am a Wild Creature

This book is a selection of blogs that have appeared on this website from 2014 to 2019. As the past five years have flown by, these bi-monthly reflections followed each other without any thought on my part to their cohesion or continuity. They simply captured moments in time – concerns, joys, wonder, delight, and sorrow.

And yet, while preparing this series of four small books, the reflections seemed to have mysteriously folded into one another. Like the flotsam washed ashore by the sea, these reflections seemed to have divided themselves by weight, roundness, shape and tone.

Since I can remember, I have always loved walking along the edge of the sea and collecting shells, drift wood, and polished stones. You might think of this book as a beaded necklace of ocean treasures. Each reflection has been selected, polished, and threaded together with the hope that they form a synthesis of love and will. A message of power and hope and all that it means to be fully human.

What people are saying about A Free and Wild Creature

Thank you Catherine! This book is so beautiful, and so subtly written…. you are both an artist and a scientist, and what is more, a woman with a true heart.
Isabelle Clotilde Küng Faillettaz

Thank you for your perspective and inspiration. Beautifully told and deeply pondered perspectives on the social roles and programming that we unconsciously operate from.
Amy Sundari Finlay

Reading Catherine’s writing is to find yourself drinking from a clear stream that feeds the soul’s unnamed thirst. Her words hold wisdom, gentleness, presence, and beauty. Reflect on them and your world enlarges.
Anna Citrino

Greetings dear Catherine! Che BRAVA la nostra Catherine. I am deeply touched by your recent piece. So timely. So unique. So rich in understanding. You never disappoint.
Jean Bates

A beautiful sharing, full of grace. Thank you.
Joyce Hopewell

I just want to let you know that I enjoy reading your writings and thank you for being so open.
Gedy van der Lely

Also coming soon!

Love and Will in a Tea Cup COVER